Category Archives: Show + Tell

Show + Tell: Graphic theater poster

Here are two examples I found of other Hamlet posters. The first one I think is very similar to the style we want to pursue: minimalist, dark and even a little smoky. The second is in a style we want to avoid: a collage of many different elements in the film, but none of which hold much symbolism of the overall message.

Packaging design


The Square Coke Bottle

It seems coke is unraveling a new concept that’s a little square.This bottle is made of 100% Recycled sugar cane byproducts.The bottle you see here is more collapsable than the current one though, encouraging more recycling due to ease in transport. The bottle collapses 66% smaller than its original size. You’re much more likely to hold on to a bottle for later recycling if you can carry it in your pocket.The cap is 25% slimmer than the current 20oz bottle, and 27% more efficient because of its drastically reduced footprint.The design is by CCS student Andrew Kim

Read more: The Padrino: The Square Coke Bottle


Project Two: Subject and competitive audit

For project two, I’ve decided to create my brand identity design around a microbrewery. For this, I wanted to do a sort of New England/Boston/Irish style design, but am having a hard time finding an entity that really exemplifies what I want to do.

At first I had this amazing idea (or so I thought) to create a coat of arms with barley, hops, water and malt symbols in the crest. However, upon browsing tonight I found out that a small brewery in Vancouver called Okanagan Spring did the exact same thing! Now, I’ve never even heard of them, much less seen their label, but it’s always really annoying to see that someone had your great idea first.


My idea for a logo…except I found out it’s been used already!

So, despite that setback, here is a list of 10 breweries with good logos (for my competitive audit):

  1. Flying Dog Brewery (featuring artwork by Ralph Steadman! <3)
  2. San Francisco Brewery
  3. Shiner Beers
  4. Killian’s Irish Ale
  5. Peacetree Brewing Co.
  6. Murphy’s Irish Stout
  7. Rogue Ales
  8. Smithwick’s
  9. New Belgium Brewery
  10. Strongbow Cider

While none of these have exactly what I want to do (which is good), many of them incorporate design aspects I might include (and some just look really cool).

Also, Fullsteam Brewery has an awesome identity package, which I’ve chosen for my Show + Tell piece for the assignment.

Trail map example

I chose a map that highlighted ATV/Jeep trails. The main attraction to this was the bold colors and relative readability of the map. The trails are highlighted in bright colors oversetting a normal road map. The different trails are divided by color and number into areas, with an easy-to-read key to the right of the map.

My first glance at this map was very quick, but in that time I had already understood the main points of it, which I think is important to good information design. Map readers want something they can look at quickly without having to analyze it, and I think this example does a great job at giving a lot of info with a short amount of time and effort.